Bryophyte Survey of the Ordway-Swisher Biological Station

Dr. Lily Lewis
Dr. Stuart McDaniels
Dr. Mark Whitten

I am conducting a floral survey of bryophytes at the Ordway-Swisher Biological Station. Each weekend, I travel to the OSBS to collect bryophytes, using the guidelines set forth by the UF Herbarium for data collection. In between my studies throughout the week,I utilize keys to identify mosses and liverworts under the guidance of Dr. Lily Lewis and Dr. Stuart McDaniel. With the collection data and the OSBS Florida Natural Areas Inventory of vegetation communities data, I will create a checklist of Bryophytes for the OSBS and species distribution maps. Through this project, my efforts will help build a better understanding of bryophyte diversity and the biodiversity of the OSBS as a whole. In addition to creating a species checklist and distribution maps for each species, I will also gain valuable experience in identification techniques and herbarium specimen preparation. Augmentation of our current understanding of biodiversity for any habitat is critical and should remain a continuous goal.
