Ashley Somchanhmavong
Undergraduate, Graphic Design
Ceramic clay and watercolor paint
This is a baby polar bear. He lives in the Arctic and relies on sea ice caps to survive. Recently due to climate change and global warming, his habitat is melting at an alarming rate. This polar bear, along with others, have started to suffer over the past couple years due to the loss of sea ice. There are a total of 19 subpopulations and each was represented with a plastic cup filled with orange, red, and yellow watercolor paint. When participating volunteers poured the paint, it stained his white coat. The paint represents sun radiation, pollution, oil, and other harmful sources that are affecting the populations. According to WWF, scientists predict that if the ice caps continue melting, almost one-third of the polar bear population will disappear. This interaction installation project was meant to show how humans are indirectly affecting ice caps with global warming and how it affects the polar bear. I hope One-Third encourages the viewers to care more about the environment and be wary of how we impact not only humans, but animals around the globe.